Snake Fencing in Los Angeles County

A picture of a snake proof fence that was installed by Animal Capture Wildlife Control.

California is home to several species of snake, many which are venomous. And while there are several popular solutions for snake control and prevention on the market, snake prevention services from Animal Capture Wildlife Control can offer a host of benefits.

What Is a Rattlesnake Fence?

Snake fencing is, essentially, the name for what are actually several snake prevention methods. The fence itself is made of a metal mesh that’s installed several inches from the ground or curb, or into the ground itself, depending on the location where you wish to prevent snake access.

Another component of prevention is identifying nearby habitats, and taking steps to reduce those habitats where possible, and as humanely as possible. Finally, the regular inspection of snake fencing and the surrounding property is essential; therefore, regular snake services are best to achieve complete prevention.

Of course, there is no type of snake fence that will keep all species of snake out of a property. However, rattlesnakes are unable to climb or get under a snake fence when it is the proper type, and has been properly installed at the most effective height and depth.

How Much Does Snake-Proof Fencing Cost?

A picture of a rattlesnake fence that was installed by Animal Capture Wildlife Control.

The cost for snake removal services and snake fence installation will depend on elements such as the size of the property being protected, the area in which the property is located, and the number of snake habitats and food sources which may be nearby.

We do charge a small fee for the consultation. During the consultation, we can get a better look at your property, fence line, and any drain blocks, gates, fencing or other structures which may be present. This will allow us to provide you with the most accurate rattlesnake fencing cost.

Snake Repellent Myths

As stated previously, there are a number of methods which claim to be effective snake deterrents or repellents. These include powders, and the application of repellent oils in the form of aerosol sprays and vapor fumigants, among others.


There are many powders on the market which have been designed specifically for repelling snakes. Unfortunately, because many have undergone little or no testing for effectiveness, there is no scientific basis on which to claim efficacy of these products. Powders can also contain dangerous chemicals which can harm plants, pets and snakes.


Eugenol as well as clove and cinnamon oil have all been identified as being effective at repelling these animals.

Application of Aerosols

All of the above oils can be used effectively to move snakes away from an area. However, for maximum effectiveness, these must be applied as close to the snake as possible or directly on the snake itself. As well, these aerosols simply do not work to keep snakes out of particular areas when sprayed on concrete or other hard surfaces.

Application of Vapor Fumigants

Clove, cinnamon and eugenol oils can be used as vapor fumigants in enclosed areas such as crawlspaces and basements. This is done by saturating an absorbent material with the oils, and then passing hot air over the material while directing it into the enclosed space.

Although this method will effectively drive snakes from an enclosed space, it will not prevent snakes from returning. As well, open flames can never be used to heat the oils, and heating should not surpass the 230 degrees Fahrenheit flash point of eugenol, nor the 200 degrees Fahrenheit flash points of clove and cinnamon oil.

Nets and Traps

Both nets and glue traps are available for snake control. However, both of these animal control methods are terribly inhumane. A snake caught in a net or glue trap can easily die of starvation and dehydration, and endure immense pain and suffering in the process.

Snake Removal Safety Tips

If you intend to prevent or remove this animal from your property on your own, you will need to ensure you’ve considered the following beforehand.

The first is its behavior. A rattlesnake bite can occur in just 1/25 of a second. Without the proper protective equipment, anyone trying the above removal methods will need to get close to the snake, and is therefore at high risk of getting bitten. It’s important never to agitate a snake, as this can lead to a bite, as well as place unnecessary and life-threatening stress on the animal.

Another consideration is snake species. Many snakes are not venomous, and some are endangered and protected by strict laws. One example is the garter snake, which is classified as a prohibited game animal in the state of California, meaning it is illegal to eat, sell, purchase, possess or transport them. 

Before trying to remove any animal, understanding which species you are dealing with and the best way to remove or deter it is absolutely vital.

Where fumigation is concerned, temperatures must be carefully monitored during application and the proper safety gear worn at all times. As well, because the scent of these oils do fade with time, regular reapplication will be necessary in order to maintain their potency.

In all cases, the safety of treatment methods for the environment and household members including pets should always be considered. In every case, trained professionals are the best individuals to prevent and get rid of snakes on your property.

Why Choosing the Right Snake Removal Service Is Important

A snake fencing project that was installed by Animal Capture Wildlife Control.

Snakes are wild animals that in many cases can be very dangerous when threatened. It can also be against the law to trap and transport certain species. For these reasons and many more, the animal removal service you choose needs to be experienced with several species, as well as with humane pest control methods.

Here at Animal Capture Wildlife Control, we specialize in snake fencing and have been installing snake fencing for over 15 years. We have installed snake fencing on a variety of properties including estates, homes, hospitals, farms, studio lots, and schools. We install snake fencing to protect people, pets and families from snakes entering the property and our goal is to totally secure the property from snakes entering. We also provide a snake inspection of the property during the time the snake fencing is being installed. In our inspection we are looking for snakes, snake dens, and what is attracting snakes to the property. Operating under a state game license from the Department of Fish & Wildlife, our professionals are well-versed in the setting of snake traps and installation of snake fencing at properties in and around Los Angeles.

Along with the snake fencing we provide our clients with the knowledge of what is attracting the snakes to their property. Please contact us today for all your snake fencing needs: 310-551-0901.

A snake fencing project that was installed by Animal Capture Wildlife Control (picture 1 of 4).A snake fencing project that was installed by Animal Capture Wildlife Control (picture 2 of 4).A snake fencing project that was installed by Animal Capture Wildlife Control (picture 3 of 4).A snake fencing project that was installed by Animal Capture Wildlife Control (picture 4 of 4).

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Animal Capture Wildlife Control

Main Office: 310.551.0901
Alt Office: 661.746.0901
Fax: 661.746.2933

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