Skunks are well-known for their distinctive black and white stripes and their infamous ability to spray a foul-smelling liquid when threatened. While these small mammals play an important role in controlling insect populations, having them around your home or property can be less than ideal. Their presence can lead to unpleasant encounters, especially if they feel threatened and resort to spraying.
Tag Archives: Skunk removal
Managing Skunk Burrows: a Comprehensive 5-Step Process and Strategies for Future Prevention
Skunks, with their signature stripe and notorious odor, are often more of a nuisance than homeowners anticipate. Beyond their smell, skunks have a proclivity for digging holes and setting up residence in yards. Understanding why skunks dig holes and how to manage this behavior can save homeowners a lot of headaches.
Living in Harmony with Skunks
Whether you live in the suburbs or out in the country, you’re bound to cross paths with America’s smelliest animal: the skunk. Thankfully, skunks will usually leave you alone if you follow these simple tips.
Continue reading Living in Harmony with SkunksWhat to Do if You Encounter a Skunk
Skunks get a bad rap, so it’s understandable if they’re not your favorite furry creatures. Skunk removal should be approached cautiously and humanely and should be done by a professional.
3 Home Remedies for Skunk Removal

No one wants to get skunked or have the little black and white creatures living around their home or business. While skunks are more afraid of you than you should be of them, they have one powerful advantage: their smell.
Continue reading 3 Home Remedies for Skunk Removal