Whether you live in the suburbs or out in the country, you’re bound to cross paths with America’s smelliest animal: the skunk. Thankfully, skunks will usually leave you alone if you follow these simple tips.
Continue reading Living in Harmony with SkunksWhat to Do About Skunks
No one likes the stink of skunk spray, but are skunks dangerous? How should skunk trapping and removal be done?
Continue reading What to Do About SkunksWhat to Do if You Encounter a Skunk
Skunks get a bad rap, so it’s understandable if they’re not your favorite furry creatures. Skunk removal should be approached cautiously and humanely and should be done by a professional.
Are Bats Dangerous?
There are hundreds of bat species and they populate almost the entire globe. It’s not unusual to find them tucked away in the attic of many California homes, but are bats dangerous? Or merely a nuisance?
Continue reading Are Bats Dangerous?Everything You Want to Know About Roadkill but Were Too Afraid to Ask
It’s a pretty common experience to have to remove dead animals from the attic or have a dead animal inspection performed under your house—but did you know that in the United States it’s estimated that one million animals are killed in vehicle collisions on a daily basis?
Continue reading Everything You Want to Know About Roadkill but Were Too Afraid to Ask
The Best Types of Snakes to Have as a Pet
Snakes are unique and fascinating animals, making them a popular choice for those seeking a pet, but which snake species make the best pets? Some snakes make the perfect companion, while others will prompt you to call snake removal services.
How to Identify Poisonous Snakes in Los Angeles
There are tons of nature preserves near Los Angeles filled with wildlife. The large number of hikers and outdoor enthusiasts passing through these areas results in many encounters with snakes, especially in the spring. While you can call a professional for snake removal around your home, such is not the case in natural habitats.
Continue reading How to Identify Poisonous Snakes in Los Angeles
Why Do Snakes Come into Houses?
A snake is the last thing you want inside your home. There are a few factors that contribute to these slithering reptiles being attracted to the indoors. If snakes are living on your property, you may need to find a snake removal specialist. The animal may be inside your home looking to:
Will Snakes Interact with My Pets?
As a resident, you’re probably well aware that there are all sorts of snakes in Los Angeles. For the most part, just like you, these critters are simply looking to go about their day. However, as more homes and buildings are going up, humans are encroaching on their natural habitat, so snakes have become a more common sight.
How Do I Snake-Proof My Yard?
Believe it or not, there are tons of different snakes in Los Angeles, including harmless snakes such as garter snakes and rat snakes. However, the area is also home to venomous species such as rattlers, copperheads, and even pit vipers.