Skunkanator Removes Skunks From Home In Los Angeles, Skunk Removal In Los Angeles, Skunk Trapping In Los Angeles

Posted on March 21, 2011 by Animal Capture

The “Skunkanator” was called out to the Culver City area of Los Angeles for a skunk Removal. The skunks were getting in under the house and tearing up the insulation and stinking the house up really bad. The home owners daughter was sent home from school because she smelt like skunk. I set up five traps and the next day the traps were full of skunks. Five in total in one day. This is why they call me the “Skunkanator!” I specialize in skunk removal from under homes, sheds, and inside homes. I was also featured on the show “Dirty Jobs” on the discovery channel for removing skunks. Some would say I am immune to the smell, but I tell them…”to me, it’s the smell of money!” I tell people if you can’t see me coming, you can smell me coming! LOL! People ask me all the time “how do you get rid of the smell?” I use a product called “Skunk Off.” It works great! It was chemically made in a lab to eliminate the odor, not just cover it up! It is totally safe for humans, dogs, and anything else you need it for. I use it all the time! So if you have a skunk issue, you know who to call! I service most of Southern California from Los Angeles to Bakersfield. For more information on skunk removal in Los Angeles, skunk trapping in Los Angeles, skunk removal in Culver City, skunk trapping in Culver City, skunks living under home, skunks living under house, skunk spray, skunk odor, of skunk off, you can check out our website or contact Jeremy Bailey @ (310) 551-0901.

Check out our youtube channel TRAPPERTV

Posted on March 12, 2011 by Animal Capture

We have created a youtube channel for people to see what type of work we do and things that people might not get to see everyday. The youtube channel is TRAPPERTV. I also created this because a lot of times I go in attics or under homes and explain to the homeowner what is going on and what I am seeing. Here is a chance for everyone to see how it is when there are skunks, raccoons, opossums and other wildlife living in your home. Here at Animal Capture Wildlife Control we specialize in humane wildlife removal from properties. We cover most of southern California from Los Angeles to Bakersfield. Jeremy Bailey has been working as a wildlife operator for over thirteen years. For more information you can check out our website or contact us at (310) 551-0901.

Raccoons Rip Up Lawn In Pacific Palisades, Raccoons Tear Up Lawn In Pacific Palisades, Raccoons Tearing Up Lawn In Los Angeles

Posted on March 1, 2011 by Animal Capture

Jeremy Bailey from Animal Capture Wildlife Control was called out to this home in Pacific Palisades because they homeowner woke up to their backyard looking like this. I cam out to the home and set up four traps around the yard and ended up catching seven raccoons. We specialize in raccoon removal , raccoon trapping in Los Angeles, raccoon removal in Pacific Palisades, raccoon removal in Los Angeles, raccoons in the attic, raccoons living in the attic, raccoons living under the home, raccoons under house, raccoon diseases, raccoon roundworm, raccoons tearing up the grass, raccoons rippping up the lawn. For more information please check out our website or call us at (310) 551-0901.

Raccoon Mother & Babies Removed from Laurel Canyon, Lookout Mountain Rd, Raccoon Removal In Hollywood Hills, Raccoon Removal in Los Angeles

Posted on September 4, 2010 by Animal Capture

Animal Capture Wildlife Control was called out to Lookout Mountain Rd and Laurel Canyon Rd to remove a raccoon family that was terrorizing a homeowner. He complained of a raccoon hanging out on his porch at night. When he came home at night the raccoon would not let him get up his stairs to get to his front door. He had to resort to throwing rocks at the raccoon so the raccoon would move. He finally would get into his house by running inside. I came out and set up three traps and the first night I caught three baby raccoons in one trap. I did not catch the mother raccoon. I then left the baby raccoons in the trap, gave them food and water and barricaded them. I put all kinds of wood and things around the trap and then put another trap along side the trap with the babies so the only way the mother could get to the babies was to go into the trap. The homeowner called me the next day and told me I caught the mother raccoon, but not in the trap next to the babies. I caught her in another trap not to far away. I then took the whole raccoon family and released the nest to a creek. I released them up a tree so they would all stay together. The homeowner was really happy he could finally walk into him home without a fight. For more information on raccoon removal in the Hollywood Hills, raccoon removal in Los Angeles, raccoon mother and babies, raccoons in the attic, raccoons under the home, raccoons tearing up the grass, raccoon roundworm, raccoon diseases, check out our website or call us @ (310) 551-0901.

Animal Capture Wildlife Control On Dirty Jobs on Discovery “Animal Control Specialist” September 6th @ 7pm and 11pm

Posted on September 4, 2010 by Animal Capture
dirty jobs pic Animal Capture Wildlife Control On Dirty Jobs on Discovery Animal Control Specialist September 6th @ 7pm and 11pm
dirty jobs pic Animal Capture Wildlife Control On Dirty Jobs on Discovery Animal Control Specialist September 6th @ 7pm and 11pmCheck out Animal Capture Wildlife Control on “Dirty Jobs” on Discovery Sept. 6 at 7 pm…Watch Mike Rowe get sprayed by skunks!!! pix at On Janurary 5, 2010 Jeremy from Animal Capture Wildlife Control appeared on Dirty Jobs on the Discovery channel. Animal Capture Wildlife Control was on there to do skunk removal, raccoon removal, opossum removal, and dead animal removal. Continue reading Animal Capture Wildlife Control On Dirty Jobs on Discovery “Animal Control Specialist” September 6th @ 7pm and 11pm