How to Tell If a Snake Is Venomous

Posted on July 7, 2017 by Animal Capture

signs of poisonous snake

Telling if a snake is venomous or not is an excellent way to properly determine your response to the situation. The first important fact to know is that the majority of snake species are non-venomous, and in the U.S., more specifically, you can only find four venomous species of snakes. These are cottonmouths, rattlesnakes, coral snakes, and copperheads. If you discover any of these snakes, you should call for animal capture and wait for a snake-removal team to arrive. Continue reading How to Tell If a Snake Is Venomous

How A Raccoon Trap Works

Posted on June 23, 2017 by Animal Capture

How A Raccoon Trap WorksSome states require that you have proper licensing to perform animal capture and animal removal. Raccoons can pose serious health threats to people. Check your state regulations. If it is legal, you may not need to hire a professional to successfully perform raccoon removal. However, hiring a professional guarantees safe wildlife removal. You can purchase professional, humane animal removal equipment from a wildlife trap company.

A raccoon trap is an effective removal method because raccoons are curious animals that are always on the lookout for food. However, raccoons are an intelligent animal. If you set up your trap incorrectly and the trap does not successfully trap the raccoon on the first try and it escapes, the raccoon will likely not be able to be lured by that trap again Continue reading How A Raccoon Trap Works

Animal Abuse: Signs and Solutions

Posted on June 6, 2017 by Animal Capture

Animal Abuse

No matter where you live, there are laws protecting animals from abuse and cruelty. Unfortunately, some people break those laws, hurting innocent animals. Animals deserve a fighting chance, and you may be their only hope. Read on to find out what you can do to help.

If you have witnessed animal abuse or have a suspicion that an animal is being abused, it’s important that you learn how to spot it and know what to do if the animal has, in fact, been abused. Continue reading Animal Abuse: Signs and Solutions

Mouse or Rat? The Differences of Rodents in Your Home

Posted on May 23, 2017 by Animal Capture

Pest exterminators mouse and rat

At first blush, mice and rats seem like very similar animals. They’re both small, furry rodents. They both infest homes, scurry around in the walls, and try to get at what’s in the pantry. While they share a number of common traits, they are also very different animals and will affect your home in different ways. Infestations of mice or rats will each have their own unique, best strategy for ridding your home of them. Continue reading Mouse or Rat? The Differences of Rodents in Your Home

What’s That Sound? Signs That You Might Have a Critter in Your House

Los Angeles Raccoon Removal

If you are hearing strange noises in your home, it’s possible that you have pests. You might even start to suspect that you need a Los Angeles raccoon removal service, but how do you know if the noise is that of raccoons or something else entirely? Use this quick tips guide to simplify your diagnosis. Continue reading What’s That Sound? Signs That You Might Have a Critter in Your House

Bat Removal in Los Angeles

Posted on April 1, 2014 by Animal Capture

Today Animal Capture Wildlife Control was called out to a home in Los Angeles for a bat removal. The homeowner woke up to a bat flying around in the living and was terrified. I responded right away. When I walked in the living room the bat was stuck on the wall. I put up my ladder and picked the bat off the wall. The bat was taken out front and released. For more information on bats check out our website

Raccoon Removal Los Angeles, Raccoon Removal Pasadena

Posted on April 1, 2014 by Animal Capture

Yesterday Animal Capture was called out to a home in Pasadena for a raccoon using a front yard as a latrine. The raccoon kept coming back every night and going to the bathroom in the same spot in the front yard. I set up two traps and this raccoon was caught the first night. The job is ongoing…For more information on raccoon removal in Pasadena and raccoon removal in Los Angeles check out our website

Filming At My House. Working On Getting A Reality Show About My Work.

Posted on March 13, 2014 by Animal Capture

I am really excited to be filming and working on getting a reality show about my work. Here we are filming at my house with my family. The show will be about a day in the life of Animal Capture Wildlife Control. The show will include me catching wildlife all over Los Angeles. You’d be surprised how much wildlife in running around the streets and hills of Los Angeles. Please follow my blog for further updates. For more information on my company and the wildlife I deal with check out my website

I Could Never Imagine I Would Be Working At My Childhood hero’s house. What An Amazing Experience Meeting Barry Bonds!!!

Posted on March 13, 2014 by Animal Capture

I could never imagine I would ever get the chance to meet my childhood hero Barry Bonds. I have to say the best part was he was such a caring and genuine person. From day one he invited me in his home to show me photos on his computer of the wildlife he was having problems with. I was still in shock that I was sitting with him and having such a great conversation. Usually when I am doing jobs for celebrities they have their estate manager contact me when an animal was in the trap, but not Barry. He called me all the time and once again I was always in shock that Barry Bonds was calling me. I could never imagine Barry would be calling me and we would end up talking about all kinds of things other than my work. I have done about eight jobs for him now and I have to say I am sad to see him move, but happy to see him back with the Giants. I am so grateful that I had the chance to sit with him so many times and have so many great conversations. What an amazing guy he is! Thanks for the memories Barry and I’ll see you at the games.

Another Busy Day At Animal Capture Removing Raccoons, Skunks, Opossums, & Coyotes In Los Angeles

Posted on March 12, 2014 by Animal Capture

Today was another busy day at Animal Capture! We had a raccoon removal in Los Angeles, coyote removal in Beverly Hills, skunk removal in Los Angeles, opossum removal in Los Angeles, raccoon removal in Pasadena, and a raccoon removal in Brentwood. This is a typical day for me. Every day’s a new adventure! Check out our website for more info