Making Sure Your Trash Cans Are Cleaned Up This Holiday Season


The holidays are quickly approaching. There will be family gatherings, a rainbow of leaves on the ground, backyard football, and of course food, lots of food. With this increase of food comes an increase of leftovers and old food that eventually gets thrown out, creating a smorgasbord for critters, such as raccoons, who love to invade our trash cans for their own Thanksgiving feast. While seen as cute and innocent, raccoons who have become accustomed to being fed or feeding from human trash cans sometimes become aggressive, not to mention the numerous parasites and diseases they carry. It is paramount to remember that safety comes first for you, your family, and the animal.

Continue reading Making Sure Your Trash Cans Are Cleaned Up This Holiday Season

Effective Mouse Trap Placement

Effective Mouse Trap Placement

Of all the pests, varmints and rodents that can plague a human habitation in Los Angeles or nearly anywhere else, the quick and clever mouse is probably the most ubiquitous, prolific, annoying and potentially harmful of them all. Once mice have moved in, they can be hard to get rid of on your own, and often the best solution is to call a professional animal removal service. However, with a little knowledge, patience and perseverance, effective mouse removable is possible.

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What To Do When A Coyote Is On Your Property

Coyotes On Your Property

Posted on October 23, 2017 by Animal Capture
Coyote Removal Los Angeles

Coyotes are common in the suburbs of Los Angeles where there are abundant food sources, such as trash cans, dumpsters, rodents, and pet dogs. As natural predators, these wild animals are a threat to small dogs and children. They are big enough to jump over fences and open windows, but small enough to fit through doggy doors. Although coyotes are timid creatures, they can be chased away or deterred. But if you see one on or near your property, it’s time to give Animal Capture Wildlife Control a call.

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Preventing a Squirrel Infestation

Posted on October 7, 2017 by Animal Capture

Preventing a Squirrel Infestation

Do you have squirrels in your yard? You might like watching them scamper around, but you probably wouldn’t like it if they tried to move in with you. Squirrels often look for new nesting places during the fall season, so it’s important to be vigilant about preventing a squirrel infestation once the weather turns crisp and cool. Here are four tips for keeping squirrels out of your house this fall. Continue reading Preventing a Squirrel Infestation

Signs of a Bat Infestation in Your Home

Posted on September 23, 2017 by Animal Capture

Signs of a Bat Infestation

As much as many would not want to imagine it, it is not unusual to have a bat infestation in your home, which is not only disturbing but also a health risk to the inhabitants. As such, you need to have an idea of the telltale signs that you may be experiencing the same. We make this information available as part of the animal control initiative for you to take necessary action promptly. Continue reading Signs of a Bat Infestation in Your Home

It’s Tarantula Mating Season!

Posted on September 6, 2017 by Animal Capture

Tarantula Mating Season

September is here, and that means the summer is winding down. If you’re thinking about squeezing as much time outdoors as possible in the next few weeks, you’re not the only one. Expect a higher number of tarantulas out there for mating season.

Tarantulas are more likely to be spotted in the wilderness or on hiking trails. However, male tarantulas have been known to travel as far as four miles in search of a mate. That means they could potentially end up anywhere above the ground in Los Angeles. In fact, it seems like tarantulas are more ambitious this summer than in seasons past thanks to the rainy winter. Reports of tarantula sightings in residential areas are coming in across Southern California — including in one resident’s shoe. Continue reading It’s Tarantula Mating Season!

Get Control Early: Prevention and Causes of Rabies

Posted on August 23, 2017 by Animal Capture

Prevention and Causes of Rabies

Animal Capture Wildlife Control has dealt with many rabid animals over the years, and we seek to educate the public on how rabies is transmitted and what can be done to prevent getting rabies. Rabies, a common, life-threatening virus that attacks the central nervous system, causes tens of thousands of deaths every year, according to the World Health Organization. Continue reading Get Control Early: Prevention and Causes of Rabies

Animal Carcass Removal Precautions

Posted on August 6, 2017 by Animal Capture

Animal Carcass Removal Precautions

All living creatures must be respected. The basis for the respect can be religious or humanistic.  Further, societal norms enforce compliance with abuse and neglect laws. When an animal dies, according to nature, by accident or intentionally, the death is someone’s loss.

There is a particular procedure that must be followed for disposing of a dead animal or for dead wildlife removal. This may vary depending on whether you are dealing with a domestic animal or a dead wild animal.

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Top Ways to Remove Skunk Smell From a Dog

Posted on July 23, 2017 by Animal Capture

Remove Skunk Smell From a Dog

Was your dog sprayed by a skunk? Acting quickly to remove skunk smell is imperative to successfully removing the smell without the odor lingering. In fact, if dog skunk smell isn’t properly and entirely removed from the dog’s coat and skin, the odor can linger for up to a year. To help avoid another incident where a skunk sprays your dog, keeping the dog’s outside play area well-lit helps to deter skunks. Better yet, contacting a professional wildlife removal service to safely remove the skunks will be your best bet in avoiding an incident like this in the future and will help give you peace of mind. Continue reading Top Ways to Remove Skunk Smell From a Dog