Bats have long been shrouded in myths and misconceptions, largely due to their nocturnal nature and their depiction in folklore and media. However, at Animal Capture Wildlife Control, we believe it’s crucial to dispel these myths about bats and shine a light on the essential role these misunderstood creatures play in our ecosystem.
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What to Do If You Find Baby Wildlife on Your Property
Spring and summer are when encounters with baby wildlife are most common, but before you take any action, it’s important to place the safety of animals and humans at the top of your list. This involves assessment, doing your research, and getting help.
Continue reading What to Do If You Find Baby Wildlife on Your Property5 Reasons Why DIY Wildlife Control Methods Can Be Dangerous
Encounters with wildlife can be both fascinating and frightening. While many people are eager to get a glimpse of wild animals in their natural habitats, some may find them to be a nuisance or even extremely destructive to their property and a threat to their safety. In these cases, it is common for people to turn to do-it-yourself (DIY) methods to control wildlife, such as trapping or relocating them. However, what many people fail to recognize is that DIY wildlife control methods can be dangerous, both for the person attempting the control and for the animals themselves.
Continue reading 5 Reasons Why DIY Wildlife Control Methods Can Be DangerousWhy Bat Infestations Should Be Handled by a Professional
Bats do a lot of good for the environment, pollinating plants and eating nuisance insects like mosquitoes. Yet when they choose to roost in homes and other human structures, bats can also quickly become both a nuisance and a danger. When bats have infested a property, a professional is always the best person to call.
Why Bats Choose Human Structures
Bats roost in colonies that are usually located in caves or tree hollows. They sometimes will choose other areas that offer the food, warmth, darkness, and shelter they need to survive.
Therefore, places like attics are very attractive to bats, especially when that attic is located in a well-lit area that attracts insects. Because they really are creatures of habit, bats will return to the same roost for several years.
Many homeowners with bat infestations ask whether it’s better to just leave the bats where they are. The answer is yes and no—it’s dependent on timing. For example, mother bats nurse their flightless young in the summer months, so removal shouldn’t occur until the babies are able to fly.
Installing bat houses around your property will keep bats away from structures and allow you to enjoy their pollination and insect-eliminating benefits.
Risks Associated with Bat Infestations
There is more than one risk that bats pose when they invade human structures.
Bats can and do carry infectious diseases like Leptospirosis and rabies, which pose a health risk to humans and pets. Their dried feces, or guano, can contain histoplasmosis, which is a fungus that causes respiratory illness in humans if the spores are inhaled.
In fact, microbiologist studies of Mexican free-tailed bats (also called “guano bats” for the high volume of excrement they produce) revealed the presence of billions of bacteria in just one ounce of their bat droppings.
Structural Damage
Should guano be left in dark and humid conditions to accumulate, its weight can be enough to cause an entire ceiling to collapse. Guano in your insulation can render it ineffective, raising your cooling and heating costs significantly.
Bats can cause damage to soffits, fascia, and other roof parts when they squeeze their bodies into chosen entry points located in and around these areas and then continue to fly in and out of a structure. They can also damage wiring and vents.
Why Hiring a Professional Is the Best Choice
As we mentioned before, bats are a vital part of the ecosystem, keeping insect populations in check and pollinating trees and plants. Almost half of California’s bats have been classified as species of special concern. As well, bats are a protected species, meaning that it is illegal to trap and kill them.
If a homeowner doesn’t know what they’re doing, they could kill a bat or their young. Even if this is unintentional, it is a serious offense. They can also place themselves at great risk of contracting a serious illness from bat excrement if they’re not wearing the proper equipment when cleaning guano out of a space where bats have roosted.
Along with this, a homeowner may mistakenly think that the only way to get rid of bats is to catch and release them. For all these reasons and more, calling a professional bat removal service is the best thing to do.
What Bat Removal Professionals Offer
A professional bat control specialist can definitely remove a bat infestation, but their knowledge goes beyond mere removal. A professional bat removal company understands bat biology and behavior.
For example, they know bats may have several access points they can use to gain entry into a structure. They also understand because bat species are protected, eliminating a bat problem properly requires measures that preserve these vital animals.
Animal Capture Wildlife Control Possesses 25+ Years of Bat Removal Experience
Animal Capture Wildlife Control is an established company licensed by California’s Department of Fish and Wildlife to handle the removal of bats and several other wildlife species, including skunks, snakes, opossums, and raccoons. Our services offer efficient and effective bat removal that preserves the species.
We will never endorse or engage in the extermination of bats. Instead, we identify all entry points, and then we install bat exclusion devices. These devices provide a way for bats to fly out, but prevent them from re-entering. Following their exit, we seal all access points.
All of our professionals are equipped with the best training and safety gear. They understand and comply with all local laws and regulations regarding safe and humane bat removal.
Have you observed bats flying into or out of your property, or heard strange noises in your chimney or attic? These are two classic signs of bat infestation. Animal Capture Wildlife Control specializes in the removal of bats in Los Angeles and beyond; visit us today.
Bat Removal the Humane Way
In the absence of places to roost, bats often choose human structures like attics and chimneys for warmth and protection. Unfortunately, this can lead to structural damage and health risks. Humane removal protects the species while preventing health problems.
The Most Common Ways Bats Get into Your Home
Bats offer humans and the environment many benefits but, should these important and disease-spreading creatures enter your home, they can pose a danger to your health and cause extensive damage. We reveal how bats get into your house and how to keep them out.
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Bat Migration: Here’s What You Need to Know
California is home to more than 25 species of bats. Whether you are a bat enthusiast or have had bats roosting on your property, you may wonder about the migratory or hibernation behavior of these important pollinators and controllers of insect populations.
Continue reading Bat Migration: Here’s What You Need to Know
Common Diseases Carried by Bats
Bats in Southern California keep insect populations in check and are pollinators and seed spreaders, and all these are essential ecosystem roles. However, bats also carry diseases dangerous to public health, which is why it’s so important to ensure their removal if you find evidence of these wild animals in your home.
California Coyotes: How to Protect Your Home and Loved Ones
Protecting Against Coyotes
The coyote is a member of the dog family and, in the state of California, coyote sightings are common. In fact, coyote populations are estimated at 250,000 to 750,000 individuals in Southern California alone. Here’s what you need to know about this smart and adaptable animal.
Continue reading California Coyotes: How to Protect Your Home and Loved Ones
What You Should Never Do When Pest-Proofing Your Home
Sealing your property for rodent control may not seem like a complicated process, but in order to accomplish your goal there are some important things that should be avoided when pest-proofing your home.
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