Category Archives: Uncategorized

How to Prevent Opossums from Entering Your Home

common opossum walking on new backyard fence

Opossums are generally considered a nuisance. Although they’re harmless and rarely carry rabies, opossums carry fleas that can infest indoor pets. Fleas from dead opossums with nothing to feed on can migrate deeper into living spaces; even flea larvae (which don’t need blood) can continue feeding on debris in hidden opossum nests until reaching maturity, at which point adult fleas will seek out new food sources.

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How to Get Rid of Snakes in the House

 small snake at home outdoor table

Seeing a snake slither by while you’re relaxing in your home can send you shrieking out the door. The chances are good that the snake is non-poisonous, but you’ll need to get it out of your home as soon as possible if you believe it may be venomous. If you’re confident enough to remove the snake yourself instead of relying on the expertise of a snake removal service professional, consider the following strategies:

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Will Raccoons Interact With Pets?

Attacks of raccoons on pets can be rare, but they do happen. If raccoons don’t have food available to them, they could decide to prey on smaller animals, such as dogs and cats. It may be difficult for them to catch larger animals, but they can successfully prey on kittens. However, it’s also common to see raccoons eating side by side with dogs and cats, especially if they are fed by their owners outside. Feeding pets outside is the primary reason your pets may come in contact with raccoons. Dogs may attack raccoons, but cats will usually ignore them. It’s best to keep small animals inside, especially at night, to avoid any attacks.

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Raccoon Removal in Southern California

Raccoon behind LA fence

Raccoons can be one of the trickiest pests to remove. Yet they are also common all over North America, meaning that they consistently cause problems in homes in California as well as in every other state. They are fairly intelligent, know how to climb, can recognize traps, and they often want to nest in someone’s attic to have babies. Gardens, rooftops and underground plumbing are also areas that can be devastated by raccoons once the animals decide to visit regularly or reproduce nearby.

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