Squirrels can easily find food and shelter in or near your home. An object as innocuous as a bird feeder can attract them—but here is how to get rid of squirrels using everyday items.
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5 Things to Know About Skunk Breeding Season

A member of the weasel family, the skunk is disliked for its pungent odor but is harmless. Most types of skunks have a similar breeding season. If you want skunks removed from your property, it’s important to understand these facts and skunk breeding habits:
Continue reading 5 Things to Know About Skunk Breeding Season3 Home Remedies for Skunk Removal

No one wants to get skunked or have the little black and white creatures living around their home or business. While skunks are more afraid of you than you should be of them, they have one powerful advantage: their smell.
Continue reading 3 Home Remedies for Skunk RemovalHow to Keep Your Yard Free of Opossums This Winter
Keep Oppossums Out
Opossums tend to get a bad reputation based on stereotypes. While most stigmas surrounding these little nocturnal creatures aren’t true, people still tend to want to keep them out of their yard.
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5 Reasons You Shouldn’t Be Afraid of Opossums
When you think about critters that go “bump in the night,” the opossum is probably near the top of your list. Unfortunately, the common opossum tends to get a bad reputation with most people.
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Evacuating Pets and Large Animals
Federal law requires the sheltering and evacuation of animals during natural disasters. The federal Pets Evacuation and Transportation Standards Act, passed in 2006, requires state and local agencies to develop emergency preparedness plans for individuals with pets and service animals.1 In case of an emergency, you should have a disaster plan; a Los Angeles County animal control company may not be able to care for your domestic dog or cat.
4 Ways to Help Displaced Animals During Wildfire Season
Animals may be injured or killed by wildfires. It’s not uncommon to find displaced wildlife (and displaced pets) with signs of malnourishment and dehydration. Never deal with injured, ill, or dead animals on your own. A Los Angeles County animal control specialist should handle the situation.
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Critters Behind the Mask: Who Is Making Spooky Sounds in Your Home?
Halloween is often associated with things that go “bump in the night” or spooky, unexplained sounds. From bats and raccoons to opossums and skunks, it’s not always difficult for these furry creatures to find their way into your home. If you don’t know where they are and you’re hearing unexplained noises, it can cause a bit of a fright!
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How Halloween Gave Bats a Bad Reputation

Halloween is just around the corner and, for many people, that means trick-or-treating, pumpkins, ghouls, goblins, and bats. Bats are a part of the “spooky” side of Halloween and while your favorite Halloween store might have bat decor dangling from the ceiling, they often get a bad reputation that they don’t really deserve. In fact, bats are harmless and very beneficial for the environment!
Continue reading How Halloween Gave Bats a Bad ReputationHow to Know if That Racoon Has Rabies
Movies and TV shows have taught us to look for animals with foaming mouths to identify those with rabies. However, this isn’t the only symptom to look for. There are many subtler signs. Seeing a raccoon during the day isn’t usually a cause for concern. They’re sometimes out and about looking for food or finding shelter. Signs you may need animal control in Los Angeles for a rabid raccoon include: