Attacks of raccoons on pets can be rare, but they do happen. If raccoons don’t have food available to them, they could decide to prey on smaller animals, such as dogs and cats. It may be difficult for them to catch larger animals, but they can successfully prey on kittens. However, it’s also common to see raccoons eating side by side with dogs and cats, especially if they are fed by their owners outside. Feeding pets outside is the primary reason your pets may come in contact with raccoons. Dogs may attack raccoons, but cats will usually ignore them. It’s best to keep small animals inside, especially at night, to avoid any attacks.
If your pets are too large to be attacked by raccoons, they can still be dangerous to your pets. Raccoons often have fleas, ticks or mite infestations, so your pet could be at a higher risk of contracting a disease if raccoons are found in the yard. Raccoon droppings are also carriers of diseases that can be fatal to pets or cause other serious health issues. If your pet is infected with a disease from raccoon droppings or urine, it can also be dangerous to your health. Raccoons are also one of the primary rabies carriers in the United States. Catching a contagious disease rarely happens, but the diseases can be transmitted by a scratch or bite. Rabies can cause a raccoon to change behavior. Raccoons are usually shy, but if they are rabid, they could become aggressive. They are nocturnal, but when rabid, they could be wandering around in the daytime.
Due to the dangers that raccoons can pose to your pets, it’s best to contact a raccoon removal service to make sure they are not in potential harm’s way of suffering an attack or at risk of contracting a disease.