Get Control Early: Prevention and Causes of Rabies

Posted on August 23, 2017 by Animal Capture

Prevention and Causes of Rabies

Animal Capture Wildlife Control has dealt with many rabid animals over the years, and we seek to educate the public on how rabies is transmitted and what can be done to prevent getting rabies. Rabies, a common, life-threatening virus that attacks the central nervous system, causes tens of thousands of deaths every year, according to the World Health Organization. Continue reading Get Control Early: Prevention and Causes of Rabies

Animal Carcass Removal Precautions

Posted on August 6, 2017 by Animal Capture

Animal Carcass Removal Precautions

All living creatures must be respected. The basis for the respect can be religious or humanistic.  Further, societal norms enforce compliance with abuse and neglect laws. When an animal dies, according to nature, by accident or intentionally, the death is someone’s loss.

There is a particular procedure that must be followed for disposing of a dead animal or for dead wildlife removal. This may vary depending on whether you are dealing with a domestic animal or a dead wild animal.

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